Week 8-MBA 6101-Listening to the consumer


The chapter on research and consumer feedback in week 8 of Guerilla Marketing covers a very important step in marketing that, in the end, will determine if a product or business is successful. Listening to consumers can be paramount in ones success, the consumer will let you know what they want and you can listen to the masses or try and change a good thing which sometimes may have a very negative affect.

A good example they used was when Coca Cola introduces new coke without getting feed back from they consumers first and saw it fail, I believe the word the marking officer used was miserably. They say this after they had already introduced it and had to pull the plug, go back, and get consumer feedback which they used and began to make a profit again. What that tells me if that you can just assume you know your market, you actually had to talk to the consumers to see what it is they may or may not want before making such a big move and hoping that it works.

In marketing the best way to get consumer feedback in using focus groups, surveys, social media, and customer feedback forms. I think currently the most effective is social media, it’s a big platform that can reach a wide range of people and it is essentially free! So I think the best practice for big businesses is to listen to and get feedback from their consumers before making any big changes and using social media platforms (and others) to your advantage.


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