week 6-MBA 6101- Adept in AI


Surfing the Tsunami this week gave me an idea of how open I am to AI in the sense I want to roll with the punches and get the latest and greatest and be here for changes and go with the flow but it also made me realize how uneducated and not interested in the doing part. I am so far removed from being interested in coding or coming up with something that might be the next latest and greatest.

However, I am also acutely aware of how back in the early 2000s where we thought we would be as far as advancements, not flying cars like in the Jetsons or Westworld but we have self-driving cars, which I wont get into my opinions on that. All the newer model cars have back up cameras, we have dash cameras (which I have living in Atlanta it’s a must) we have a lot of things we only dreamed of once upon a time.

With that being said AI isn’t going anywhere and I think even if we aren’t fond of it, not interested in being a part of finding new ways of doing things or advancing technology we have to be ok with where its going to take us and be ready for the ride. I am super interested to see where we are even 10 years from now.


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