Week3- MBA 6101- AI vs Society


I think we can all agree that Artificial Intelligence has taken over in the last 15 years and it has done so beyond our wildest imagination. People would joke about flying cars, which we still don’t have, but we do have self-driving cars. We have production lines that require no human touch, we even have robots that can disarm bombs and go in for the police in a standoff.

With all these advancements it can also aid in making learning easier and more fun but at what cost? I for one don’t want to see us go to a place where we are learning strictly via AI and not by an actual teacher or professor. I think we need to keep some things strictly human interaction based or at least come to a point where people learn the old school way first and then get introduced to the AI version/alternative.

We can not deny that without AI we wouldn’t have been able to make medical procedures less invasive with a better healing outcome. I think that the use of AI is not going away and it will only get better and more advanced but we need to be mindful that nothing is 100% full proof and we shouldn’t get so attached and expect that as the end all be all. I do agree with the article in the new York times written by David Brooks, “At the same time, A.I. will force us humans to double down on those talents and skills that only humans possess.” It is up to us individually to perfect skills that only we possess so that we can be useful and marketable in the world of advancing AI.


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