Week6- MBA 6101-- Finish Line

my google ad campaign wrapped up this week and for my first time I think it did fairly well, which gives me hope in the future for when I want to get into consulting that the skills I learned to run this ad will be useful in the future. Although, I wish i got my traction on my ad campaign then I did, I think it was a decent amount. I am interested to see how well my classmates did and if they did better read about their experience.

I did notice that on my google ads app is super convenient and I am all about convenience and would much prefer to look at that rather than the computer. Since my ad has been running my running total for all time it 6.07k impressions and 281 clicks, so I guess I did better overall that I initially thought as the first screenshot was within the last week. I like how it breaks down how your ad was viewed and by the age demographic, that could be helpful when you are in need of adjusting your ad campaigns that you put on google especially if you are trying to target a certain group of people.

Overall, I enjoyed this exercise and think I will definitely use this in my future career endeavors. 


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