
Showing posts from February, 2023

week 6-MBA 6101- Adept in AI

  Surfing the Tsunami this week gave me an idea of how open I am to AI in the sense I want to roll with the punches and get the latest and greatest and be here for changes and go with the flow but it also made me realize how uneducated and not interested in the doing part. I am so far removed from being interested in coding or coming up with something that might be the next latest and greatest. However, I am also acutely aware of how back in the early 2000s where we thought we would be as far as advancements, not flying cars like in the Jetsons or Westworld but we have self-driving cars, which I wont get into my opinions on that. All the newer model cars have back up cameras, we have dash cameras (which I have living in Atlanta it’s a must) we have a lot of things we only dreamed of once upon a time. With that being said AI isn’t going anywhere and I think even if we aren’t fond of it, not interested in being a part of finding new ways of doing things or advancing technology we hav...

Week6- MBA 6101-- Finish Line

my google ad campaign wrapped up this week and for my first time I think it did fairly well, which gives me hope in the future for when I want to get into consulting that the skills I learned to run this ad will be useful in the future. Although, I wish i got my traction on my ad campaign then I did, I think it was a decent amount. I am interested to see how well my classmates did and if they did better read about their experience. I did notice that on my google ads app is super convenient and I am all about convenience and would much prefer to look at that rather than the computer. Since my ad has been running my running total for all time it 6.07k impressions and 281 clicks, so I guess I did better overall that I initially thought as the first screenshot was within the last week. I like how it breaks down how your ad was viewed and by the age demographic, that could be helpful when you are in need of adjusting your ad campaigns that you put on google especially if you are trying to t...

Week 5- MBA 6101- Click Bait

    Since putting my google ad campaign to an active status trying to garner some views and possible clicks I thought it would be wise to add the link to my social media platforms and see if that would help get me some views, so far it has not worked so I think I need to make the posts more shiny and clickable. Also, I am wondering if some of the reason is because people on my platforms are not looking for any marketing consulting or if they think it would be too expensive? Another thing I could do is add the word free, since I am a marketing student trying to gain more experience and to be honest any attention I did receive would be helping myself out more than the possible client coming in. I think I will adjust a few things for next week and see how and if that will get me any clicks, I will also try to update my wording to see if that helps as well. All in all, I think the ad campaign was a lot easier to make than I had anticipated but its also a lot harder to get at...

Week5- MBA 6101- spot on marketing

  Creative marketing ads should be used to catch the eye of a possible consumer, pull them in, and get them to buy your product. There are a plethora of marketing ads and strategies out there so how does one get their product or services chosen of their competitors? I always find ads interesting because I’d like to think marketing strategies don’t work on me, I like to think that I buy things based on what I need and not what’s marketed to me but let’s be honest I don’t think that is 100% true. I do find that the ads that catch my eye, or ear are the ones who have cute little jingles because even if I’m not buying that product when I hear the jingle I do sign along sometimes. One of the ads that did get me was Charmin toilet paper, they have cute little bears, cute songs, and let’s be real, we are all in the market for toilet paper. I don’t remember seeing any recent ads for Quilted Northern, but I remember they had some in the past. Speaking of targeted advertising, that Super...

Week 4- MBA 6101- Adapt or bust

  It has become clear throughout this class and life and the advancement of AI in general that if we don’t adapt to the changes we will be left behind., The advancement is changing so rapidly its hard to keep up but in my own life I have taken it as it comes and try to get in on the latest gadgets and be in touch with the latest AI software coming out so that I can pivot and be useful to my company and continue to have a job and grow with these rapid changes. Reading chapter 4 of Surfing the Tsunami it was stated that, “the bottom line is it is harder than you think to get anything accomplished without being distracted.” This is true in so many avenues, I cannot remember the last time I was able to focus solely on the task I was doing, I am always doing so many things at once that its become second nature. The more AI software advances the more we are able to allow ourselves to be pulled in so many different directions at the same time, most times without a second thought. Sometime...

Week4- MBA 6101--Marketing Consulting Ad

  This week I am working on brining my ad campaign to life. I want to take people on a journey with me to help them on their marketing journey by way of consulting. I plan to use the knowledge I gained from class thus far and the readings from Guerrilla Marketing to give people advice and tips on how to successfully grow their businesses. I would also like to off the skills I’ve learned to help them be able to do these things themselves in the future if they don’t want to contract out and pay for consulting. Below you can see the start of my ad journey. I think that using what I have learned in class so far will help it stick and putting it into practice will help make it more real/help me deepen the knowledge I have. It will also help me in the future when I try to figure out what I want to use my MBA for and if its in marketing, I think I will have a leg up. I think its important to put my ad out there in a way so people don’t have to guess what it is and what they will be gett...

Week 3- MBA 6101- Commitment

  According to Guerrilla Marketing the key secrets to success lie in 16 key terms: Commitment, investment, consistent, confident, patient, assortment, subsequent, convenient, amazement, measurement, involvement, dependent, armament, consent, content, and augment. If a business wants to have success they must do all of these 16 things, if you leave out one or two it wont work. I think the most challe3nging of the two is commitment and patience, you have to commit yourself to building your business and brand 100% all the while knowing that it might not happen overnight so there is where being patient comes in. You have to have the vision, commit yourself, and watch it prosper which can be hard to do, after all it is an investment in yourself and your dream. Look at all the student athletes trying to get their big break in the MLB, NBA, of NFL, they commit themselves to their craft and love of the game in hopes they will make it big time. Not all of them will make it but these young p...

Week3- MBA 6101- AI vs Society

  I think we can all agree that Artificial Intelligence has taken over in the last 15 years and it has done so beyond our wildest imagination. People would joke about flying cars, which we still don’t have, but we do have self-driving cars. We have production lines that require no human touch, we even have robots that can disarm bombs and go in for the police in a standoff. With all these advancements it can also aid in making learning easier and more fun but at what cost? I for one don’t want to see us go to a place where we are learning strictly via AI and not by an actual teacher or professor. I think we need to keep some things strictly human interaction based or at least come to a point where people learn the old school way first and then get introduced to the AI version/alternative. We can not deny that without AI we wouldn’t have been able to make medical procedures less invasive with a better healing outcome. I think that the use of AI is not going away and it will only g...

Week 3- MBA 6101- Extra Credit

 I think social media has always been a place where people could get exposure in products or services they offer and build their brand. However, TikTok has exploded and is now the go to platform. The covid lockdown seemed to help with that boom, with nothing to do, no where to go, people turned to TikTok for entertainment, to put their brand out there, and for pure entertainment and at a very uncertain time. Those that were lucky enough to get in on this have done very well. One of the people who have capitalized on TikTok is Mikayla Nogueira, she is a make up artist with 14.4 million followers. She reviews make up and different make up treads and posts them online for all to see, which has garnered her a big following. Lots of people like to watch these type of videos which can help them decide it they want to try these new trends, or even a certain brand of make up. One of the videos she did was a partner with Maybelline to review they foundation which you can view   he...